How to download from sharecash

How to download from sharecash:

First of all: if you want to download more than 3-4 files i advise purchasing a premium account and download everything you find interesting. it`s only 3$ but if you want to just download a few ebooks than go for free option.

This tutorial will shouw how to download from
In order to download files from sharecash you must complete one short offer.

If you use Firefox disable your Adblock plus addon because Adblock will block the offer and you can't see the offer

Fill the offer with your name and email but if you don`t want to share this you can use temporary email service like mailinator, 10 minutes mails because some offers require an activation so first use fake email and if it requiers for activation use mailinator that is extremly easy to use:

At Mailinator you can use any address that YOU make up! Here's a random one though if you're having trouble thinking of

After you entered the temporarly email go here to check your inbox:

I must say this is easy and free!!

After you have completed the offer then you can download the file!

 Click yes or no and then:

Now the download is yours. This takes only 3-5 minutes and it is absolutly free and you get valuable information and products for free from my blog.