Chemical alergies are growing

When people say they suffer from allergies, what is the first thing that come to mind? Pollen is one of them. Pet allergies are another big. Chemical allergies are often the first thing that come to mind. However, chemical allergies are becoming more common as the rise of technology age. Have you ever heard of an allergy to formaldehyde? As you allergic to acrylic?
While many people with allergies to pollen are drugs that have adopted or those who have pet allergies, just don't own domestic animals to prevent their reaction. Can you imagine what it would be allergic to chemicals, which in many things that you touch every day? Example Formaldehyde is found in dyes, nail polish, fire wall insulation, detergents, etc.
About two years ago, broke his hand in what is known as the"Contact Dermatitis."Yeah, it'right, I was responding to something that I was moving. I took the patch test and found that I really allergic to acrylic. At first I was confused. What was touching that I had acrylics on? That was when I did a little research and discovered that almost everything in her acrylic. More than just the nail industry, acrylic paint for our walls. Some trophies are made of acrylic. Even dentists use in the production of acrylic crowns. Acrylic is still used in some tape and glue.
No wonder that my hands were so soft that they need steroids to calm down. Then my legs started to break out. There are acrylic carpet pad. After spending thousands of dollars in the economy, not that one't be spent on anything, my hands and legs feel much better. Of course, then I had to move into newly renovated office building. As a matter of fact, workers were still painting the walls when I walked in. I had my first asthma attack. I couldn't breathe. You see, once you are allergic to the substance, any substance, you will have problems with more than one area. Most people with a severe allergic urticaria, or extreme tiredness. I have to avoid all substances acrylic. To make it better, my allergies started psoriasis. So I made my home a completely green home for everything. I installed all natural hard wood floors with great expense, because laminate flooring has acrylic in it. If I wanted to remodel my house, I rent a motel until all rebuilding smell is gone. Chemical allergy is not easy, but certainly on the rise.