Find out what you can do about your migrain

Migraines are a form of headache. Little is understood about them, but new research has shown some triggers and treatment. They affect more women than men, have different levels of severity and different triggers. Migraines present more than just a headache. Typical symptoms are: headache (either permanently or throbbing pain), nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and / or sound. Some people experience warning signs (aura), which hit about migraines. Migraine can last from 4 hours to 72 hours or more.
Typical treatment includes a painkiller at the beginning of pain, as well as anti-sickness medicines to stop any nausea or vomiting.
But is that enough?
First, let's look at the triggers. The trigger is so called because the emergence of migraine triggers. The exact mechanism of how this causes migraines is still unknown. Common triggers are: alcohol, allergic reactions, pollen, flowers (particularly strongly scented flowers), chocolate, skipping meals, high sugar in the diet, high intake of caffeine, hormonal changes, stress / tension, and even bright lights or sound. Finding your personal triggers is hit and miss. This requires management of the magazine and find out what you'already had a migraine before. When you'already discovered your triggers, you can manage to eliminate.
Many women find their migraines are related to hormones. You can experience migraines during puberty, pregnancy, prior to the period or after menopause. Pill limiting births, can help in the treatment of migraines, so hormones are out, so that's sharp rise or fall in value. It is obvious that it won't be a suitable treatment for all, so talk to your doctor.
While some chance to control their migraines and paracetamol, others need something stronger. Codeine is a popular choice, although care must be taken to ensure the correct dose is taken. In the fog of migraine, it is easy to overdose, which causes the blood too acidic and lead to further problems. Sumatriptan is normally included in the treatment of typical migraine, but it is less useful for unusually severe migraine. Antidepressants may also be used for the successful prevention of migraine. When the migraine starts, although these drugs are not useful. In all cases, medicine, ask your doctor to find the right treatment for you.
Migraines number of billions of dollars in lost productivity each year worldwide. With some understanding of the triggers and the right product, can reduce the incidence of this condition.